Do not post false or misleading statements related to a mass killing. No misinformation (and/or disinformation).Do not post personally identifying information. No Personally Identifiable Information.Do not advertise for your own projects unless given permission by the moderators. Do not repeatedly make low effort posts or otherwise spam the subreddit. Doing so violates our no glorification rule. The Remington 700 rifle used by ex-Marine Charles Whitman during his Augreign of terror from the observation deck at the University of Texas in Austin is up on Dallas’ Texas Gun. Do not refer to the number of victims of a mass murder as a "high score".357 Magnum pistol on him when he was shot to death by police yesterday afternoon. You must be mature and responsible when using this sub. Bill Sears, a University of Texas student who roomed with Whitman before he married the former Kathleen Leissner 2 1/2 years ago, called him 'one of the nicest guys I had met.' Mr.Do not post content related to conspiracies around occurrences of mass killers. Marine, who killed seventeen people and wounded thirty-two others in a mass shooting rampage in and around the Tower of the University of Texas in Austin on the afternoon of August 1, 1966. Do not post articles related to political causes such as for/against gun-control legislation, political affiliation, etc. This volume provides an analysis of American Charles Whitman (1941-1966), an American engineering student and former U.S. Gifs without informational content will be rejected. No inappropriate humor, eg politically motivated or otherwise.Do not share links to the Christchurch or the Halle livestreams or ask for them in any way.This includes having profile pictures with references to mass murderers or offensive usernames. The purpose of this sub is to discuss the crimes, psychology, and motivations of people who have committed mass killings, not to glorify them. August 1 Choose another date 1966 An ex-Marine goes on a killing spree at the University of Texas Charles Whitman takes a stockpile of guns and ammunition to the observatory platform atop. Do not glorify mass killers/mass murderers.Individuals who attempt a mass murder are also allowed. A mass killer is defined as a single individual who commits a crime such that 3 or more individuals are killed in a short period of time, usually in the same physical space. Posts must reference mass killers/mass murderers - or "spree killers".Paula and Brenda are both CKCSC, USA Championship judges and have both judged a variety of Championship shows, "B" matches, fun matches and puppy sweepstakes.You must be 18+ to participate in r/masskillers. Brenda is the Secretary of Cavaliers of the South, as well as the president of the Conyers/Rockdale humane society. Paula is the Vice President of National CKCSC, USA and serves on the Board of the Cavaliers of the South and the is the Vice President of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Greater Atlanta. During the last 4 years several more CKCSC, USA Champions have been added, with the latest being CH Brookhaven Enchanted Star, becoming the 3rd youngest Champion in the 54 year history of the CKCSC, USA. Our 4th CKCSC, USA Championship was achieved when Eng Ch Pascavale Ryan acquired his CKCSC, USA Championship in February 2005. In November 2004 a third generation was added to the line of Champions with Joy's great-granddaughterĪdded to the line of Champions with Joy's great-granddaughter "Brookhaven Peggy Sue" finishing her CKCSC, USA Championship. To date, as breeder-owners, they have finished over 30 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in the AKC, and have bred 2 Best in Show winning CKCSC Champions, Joy's son, "Brookhaven Fairmont" and Joy's grandson, "Brookhaven Dream Lover". Joy became the foundation of Brookhaven Cavaliers. In 1995, Brookhaven Cavaliers was born with the addition of "Luxxar Joyride," a sweet tri-color female from Paula Campanozzi. After inquiring, Brenda discovered they were Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and she knew she had found the dog for her! Paula became hooked as well when she joined in Brenda's search for a breeder. She attended a local fun match and there, also watching in the stands, was a couple with two adorable dogs. In 1994, Brenda was dogless after the loss of her beloved elderly Keeshond. 1 1966, was being interviewed on video by Mary Ellen O’Toole, an FBI agent who. They are both located just outside of Atlanta, GA, in Madison, Georgia, surrounded by their dogs and the beautiful countryside. McCoy, one of the Austin police officers who killed University of Texas Tower sniper Charles Whitman on Aug. Paula Ayers and Brenda Martz are sisters who grew up sharing their home with loving pets.